Friday, April 3, 2015

The Polished Bookworms: March 2015

Hey everyone, I finally had the chance to do my TPB post. The book that was picked for March was Gone Girl by Gillian Flynn. It was on my to read list after I heard about the movie actually. I didn't know it was a book, and when I heard the movie was good, I knew I had to read it before watching the movie. The book was pretty good, even though the ending was completely different than I thought it'd be. But it went perfectly with the story when you think about it. The day after I finished the book, I watched the movie and really enjoyed it. I thought they did a decent job and didn't change it a whole lot. I ended up picking a part of the book that shocked me. SPOILER ALERT!!! Look away now if you don't want to know: I was shocked when Amy murdered Desi. I couldn't believe she actually got to the point of killing someone. The whole making up stories and framing Nick was different, they were lies. I know they weren't little lies, but from lying to killing? That surprised me.
So, on my pinky I painted the twine Amy used to do the ligatures on her wrists and ankles. To be honest, it looks pretty weird to me, lol. On my ring finger is the bloody knife she used on Desi, and my index and middle finger have blood spatter. The knife and twine were done with acrylic paint. I used KleanColor "Blood" to do the blood splatter. This mani isn't really my favorite, but yeah.
With the book:
I hope you guys liked the post, and if you have a chance to read this book, I totally recommend it. Stay tuned for April's TPB post. We're reading The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy by Douglas Adams next. If you'd like to join The Polished Bookworms, you can click on the links below:

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Well thank you for stopping by guys, until next time.

Polishes Used:
White: LACC "No. 2005"
Red: KleanColor "Blood"
Top Coat: LACC "2013 Top Coat"