For this mani, I first put on my trusty diy glue peel off base coat. I then did a coat of Wet N Wild "Bijou Blue", I waited until it dried and then added blobs of different shades of blue on my nail. I cut up some pieces from a plastic baggy to place over the blobs of polish and pressed down so they could blend together. I'm not sure what the technique is called, but Claire from @practise_makes_perfect on Instagram recently posted about it, and she called it the saran wrap technique. So I did that and once blended, I removed the plastic and it left a pretty cool blend of blues. I let that dry and sponged on white across all my nails, and sponged on WNW "Bijou Blue" and Black Label Nails "Frosty's Mistress" over so it wouldn't be too white. After that, I added a coat of WNW "Kaleidoscope" for the sparkly stars. The acrylic paints came next, I used a toothbrush and the white paint to splatter on some stars, and also added some with a toothpick. Then, I began to paint the little planets. First with white so the colors would pop more, and once I had the shape painted on, I added the colors. I let it all dry and added top coat.
With the Book:
I loved how the galaxy mani came out on its own, check it out, here it is without the planets and stars.Anyways, I hope you enjoyed this post. If you'd like to follow and join our Book Club, I have the links below.
The Polished Bookworms: Instagram, Facebook Group, Facebook Page
Thanks for stopping by, and stay tuned for next month's book: The Bell Jar by Sylvia Plath. Until next time.
Polishes Used:
Wet N Wild (Wild Shine) "Blue Moon"
Wet N Wild (Wild Shine) "Bijou Blue"
Frankenpolish I made with different polishes I named "Elsa"
Wet N Wild (Wild Shine) "French White Creme"
Wet N Wild (Wild Shine) "Kaleidoscope"
Black Label Nails "Frosty's Mistress"
Wet N Wild (Wild Shine) "Matte Top Coat"
LACC "2013 Top Coat"
Acrylic Paints Used:
Apple Barrel White
Apple Barrel Lime Tree
Craftsmart Grey
Craftsmart Holiday Red
Craftsmart Pool Blue
Craftsmart Plum
Bringing you designs based on the classic Sci-Fi novel The Hitchikers Guide to The Galaxy
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